Chris Blair
Technology Committee
Chris Blair married Pam in 1990 after meeting at Cincinnati Christian University. Since then they have accumulated 7 children including 3 bio and 4 adopted internationally and domestic. They have 4 girls, 3 boys, and a grouchy dog, Otis. Their oldest two daughters are married and they have 1 amazing grandson — and yes they love to show pictures. Several of their children experience some degree of hearing loss ranging from hard-of-hearing to complete hearing loss. This journey of raising deaf children and a sincere desire to connect with them as family, and teach them about Jesus lead them to Deaf Streetlight nearly 12 years ago.
Chris became an advisor to Deaf Streetlight and then later a board member. His wife Pam serves as the Family Ministry Coordinator. They love to serve from their experience raising deaf and severely language deprived children coupled with international and domestic adoption with other families raising kids from hard places.
Chris has worked in web and software development for most of his career. He enjoys camping, hiking, reading, and sharing life with his best friend, Pam, and their now mostly adult children.